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  • Wim Taymans's avatar
    impl-node: rework resume after rate switch · 4b940100
    Wim Taymans authored
    We only need to resume the SUSPENDED node when it has !pause-on-idle.
    So, set the need_resume flag when we suspend in that case.
    Clear the flag in the next round and make sure we set the node to
    running again. We don't need to clear any flags when the state change
    completes anymore with this change.
    This also fixes a case where strawberry would fail to configure the
    correct sample rate. 44.1KHz would be used (the rate of the probe
    stream) because the scheduler was thinking the node was still being
    reconfigured because the reconfigure flag was only cleared when going
    to the running state (an alsa sink has !pause_on_idle).
    See #2929