mutter: Check for different virtual monitor syntax
wlheadless-run adds at least one virtual monitor with mutter based compositor if none was specified on the command line.
To do so, it checks the given arguments looking for --virtual-monitor and will add a virtual monitor if that argument is not found.
But that assumes that the virtual monitor was created using the syntax "--virtual-monitor WIDTHxHEIGHT" whereas it is also possible to use "--virtual-monitor=WIDTHxHEIGHT" (with an "=" sign) which would defeat the logic in wheadless-run who would create an additional virtual monitor even if one was specified.
To avoid the issue, check for the substring "--virtual-monitor" among all the arguments, not just a complete argument, so that it covers both "--virtual-monitor" and "--virtual-monitor=" syntax.
Signed-off-by: Olivier Fourdan
Fixes: 2a3b0008 - mutter: Add a virtual monitor by default