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  • Manuel Stoeckl's avatar
    Add partial support for wl_drm and linux-dmabuf protocols · 67aa508f
    Manuel Stoeckl authored
    This commit adds support for DMABUF file descriptor types and for the
    wayland-drm and linux-dmabuf-v1 protocols, on machines with an i915
    driver only. (Other drivers are not yet supported, due to difficulties
    with the generic libgbm buffer management library.)
    To support the wl_drm protocol, the device advertisement event was modified
    to indicate only a default DRM render node (/dev/dri/renderD128). This
    avoids the authentication steps which would otherwise be necessary when
    the main DRM device paths are provided, and still should work for most
    OpenGL programs.
    This change also involved significant main loop refactoring to remain
    readable during an extensions to the protocol parsing code; specifically,
    to allow message handlers to increase the length of protocol messages.
    A command line flag, -no-gpu, has been added to block the wl_drm and
    zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1 global advertisements; when running on a system
    without an i915 drm node, these two protocols are also hidden, to prevent
    applications from providing waypipe with buffers that it cannot handle.
    The program still compiles when libdrm_intel is not available.
    Because tiled buffers do not appear to work between systems with
    gpus of different generations, nonstandard dmabuf format+modifier
    advertisements are now filtered out.