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Android icon update, etc

Rylie Pavlik requested to merge rpavlik/monado:rpavlik/android-icon into main

Fixes #370 (closed)

Also makes it a little more clear the difference between in-proc and out-of-proc for Android builds, and emphasizes that out-of-proc are the "normal" ones. (The in-proc now have a tan colored icon with "IN-PROC" stamped over it in red.)

So now, the launcher icons look like this (shown alongside the runtime broker, as shipped by play store, and both hello_xr's):


The "About" activity looks like this:


and the runtime broker looks like this (note the changed names):


I also replaced the funky "XR" letters of the out-of-proc "runtime is on" notification with the logo:



Edited by Rylie Pavlik

Merge request reports