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Draft: c/client: Wait for swapchain acquire command buffer

Christoph Haag requested to merge haagch/monado:acquire_fence into main

Some applications triggered this vulkan validation warning with swapchain length 3.

VUID-vkQueueSubmit-pCommandBuffers-00071(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 774851941 - Validation Error: [ VUID-vkQueueSubmit-pCommandBuffers-00071 ] Object 0: handle = 0x555555e6f100, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0x2e2f4d65 | vkQueueSubmit(): pSubmits[0].pCommandBuffers[0] VkCommandBuffer 0x5555564509a0[] is already in use and is not marked for simultaneous use. The Vulkan spec states: If any element of the pCommandBuffers member of any element of pSubmits was not recorded with the VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT, it must not be in the pending state (
    Objects: 1
        [0] 0x555555e6f100, type: 3, name: NULL

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