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Add monado-cli slambatch command

Mateo de Mayo requested to merge mateosss/monado:mateosss/slambatch into main

This CLI command enables Monado to perform SLAM tracking from the terminal on a batch of multiple euroc datasets. It outputs the necessary tracking information for offline analysis of the runs.

  1. It uses env vars to configure each new instance of the SLAM tracker and euroc player.
  2. By default, it does not limit player FPS for shorter runtimes, although some systems (not Basalt) experience crashes when doing this and should disable the option.
  3. The resulting CSV files can be analyzed by any means, but tools dedicated to this use case can be found here:

Example usage:

monado-cli slambatch \
  $euroc/MH_04_difficult $bsltdeps/basalt/data/monado/euroc.toml MH04 \
  $euroc/V1_02_medium $bsltdeps/basalt/data/monado/euroc.toml V102 \
  $tumvi/dataset-room3_512_16 $bsltdeps/basalt/data/monado/tumvi.toml R3

And then you get something like this

├── MH04
│   ├── filtering.csv
│   ├── prediction.csv
│   ├── timing.csv
│   └── tracking.csv
├── R3
│   ├── filtering.csv
│   ├── prediction.csv
│   ├── timing.csv
│   └── tracking.csv
└── V102
    ├── filtering.csv
    ├── prediction.csv
    ├── timing.csv
    └── tracking.csv
Edited by Mateo de Mayo

Merge request reports