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  • Aleksander Morgado's avatar
    base-modem: load AT port type hints when adding port · 548b7f88
    Aleksander Morgado authored and Dan Williams's avatar Dan Williams committed
    We keep the pflags input in mm_base_modem_grab_port() so that plugins
    can use other methods to gather port type hints (e.g. querying with AT
    commands as in Huawei/Telit or looking at sysfs properties as in HSO).
    For standard udev tag port type hints, it will be the base modem
    looking them up.
    Note that there is no longer any need to ignore non-flagged ports for
    those modems that require primary/secondary flags. They will be
    implicitly ignored when mm_base_modem_organize_ports() decides which
    ports to use, as the flagged ones are preferred over the non-flagged