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plugins/quectel/mm-shared-quectel: use QGMR to set version

Quectel modems report only their major firmware version through AT+GMR, use AT+QGMR instead to report the full firmware version.


pine64-pinephone:~$ mmcli -m any --firmware-status
  Firmware          |     method: fastboot
                    | device ids: USB\VID_2C7C&PID_0125&REV_0318
                    |             USB\VID_2C7C&PID_0125
                    |             USB\VID_2C7C
                    |    version: EG25GGBR07A08M2G
  Fastboot settings | at command: AT+QFASTBOOT


pine64-pinephone:~$ mmcli -m any --firmware-status
  Firmware          |     method: fastboot
                    | device ids: USB\VID_2C7C&PID_0125&REV_0318
                    |             USB\VID_2C7C&PID_0125
                    |             USB\VID_2C7C
                    |    version: EG25GGBR07A08M2G_01.002.01.002
  Fastboot settings | at command: AT+QFASTBOOT

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