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We create XMM-based modems like the EM7345 with XMM-specific features like the AT+XLCSLSR based GNSS support. E.g.:
$ mmcli -m a --location-status
Location | capabilities: 3gpp-lac-ci, gps-raw, gps-nmea, agps-msa, agps-msb
| enabled: 3gpp-lac-ci
| signals: no
GPS | refresh rate: 30 seconds
$ sudo mmcli -m a --location-enable-gps-nmea
successfully setup location gathering
$ sudo mmcli -m a --location-get
3GPP | operator code: 214
| operator name: 7
| location area code: 0000
| tracking area code: 6FFE
| cell id: 0465CD20
GPS | nmea: $GPGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*1E
| $GNGSA,A,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1*1D
| $GNRMC,235951.000,V,,,,,,,,,,N,V*20
| $GNVTG,,T,,M,,N,,K,N*32
| $GNGGA,235951.000,,,,,0,0,,,M,,M,,*5F
Fixes #25 (closed)