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Commit 93e789a2 authored by Faith Ekstrand's avatar Faith Ekstrand :speech_balloon:
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anv/entrypoints: Parse entrypoints before extensions/features

Reviewed-by: default avatarSamuel Iglesias Gonsálvez <>
parent 2f493121
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......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import functools
import os
import xml.etree.cElementTree as et
from collections import OrderedDict
from mako.template import Template
from anv_extensions import *
......@@ -276,6 +277,7 @@ class Entrypoint(object):
self.return_type = return_type
self.params = ', '.join(params)
self.guard = guard
self.enabled = False
self.num = None
def prefixed_name(self, prefix):
......@@ -287,7 +289,16 @@ class Entrypoint(object):
def get_entrypoints(doc, entrypoints_to_defines, start_index):
"""Extract the entry points from the registry."""
entrypoints = []
entrypoints = OrderedDict()
for command in doc.findall('./commands/command'):
ret_type = command.find('./proto/type').text
fullname = command.find('./proto/name').text
params = (''.join(p.itertext()) for p in command.findall('./param'))
guard = entrypoints_to_defines.get(fullname)
# They really need to be unique
assert fullname not in entrypoints
entrypoints[fullname] = Entrypoint(fullname, ret_type, params, guard)
enabled_commands = set()
for feature in doc.findall('./feature'):
......@@ -296,7 +307,8 @@ def get_entrypoints(doc, entrypoints_to_defines, start_index):
for command in feature.findall('./require/command'):
e = entrypoints[command.attrib['name']]
e.enabled = True
supported = set( for ext in EXTENSIONS)
for extension in doc.findall('.extensions/extension'):
......@@ -307,20 +319,10 @@ def get_entrypoints(doc, entrypoints_to_defines, start_index):
for command in extension.findall('./require/command'):
for command in doc.findall('./commands/command'):
ret_type = command.find('./proto/type').text
fullname = command.find('./proto/name').text
if fullname not in enabled_commands:
params = (''.join(p.itertext()) for p in command.findall('./param'))
guard = entrypoints_to_defines.get(fullname)
entrypoints.append(Entrypoint(fullname, ret_type, params, guard))
e = entrypoints[command.attrib['name']]
e.enabled = True
return entrypoints
return [e for e in entrypoints.itervalues() if e.enabled]
def get_entrypoints_defines(doc):
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