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appveyor: Initial appveyor integration.

Lina Versace requested to merge jrfonseca:appveyor into master

Created by: jrfonseca

It would be great if we could get automatic Windows builds of waffle, through AppVeyor to ensure build is always successful. is free for open-source projects and it integrates well GitHub.

This PR integrates with AppVeyor to build Waffle for 32/64 bits Windows using both MinGW and MSVC. You can see a sample build on

There are a few quirks -- see the XXX comments for details.

With an additional commit ac215785f43576e6c283699242d34b7f695479c0 one can even have AppVeyor automatically push the MSVC/MinGW binaries to Github releases, as shown in . But you can't just cherry-pick that commit -- if you're interested you'll need to follow the instructions so you use a github auth token of your own for it to work.

Edited by Emil Velikov

Merge request reports