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  • Matt Turner's avatar
    ARB_shading_language_packing: Generate tests for builtin packing functions · 2f9badcf
    Matt Turner authored
    This uses the existing pack/unpack testing infrasturcture for GLSL ES
    3.0 and adds support for testing pack/unpack 4x8 operations.
    Generate the following test files:
    Note that division is performed by multiplication by the reciprocal, and
    1/255 falls almost exactly in between two representable float32 values,
    leading to bad rounding errors. 1/127, 1/32767, and 1/65535 do not have
    this behavior.
    As a result, the {fs,vs}-unpackUnorm4x8 tests currently fail. the const-
    version passes, since the divisions are calculated by the CPU. A
    follow-on patch will allow some tolerance in precision.
    Reviewed-by: default avatarChad Versace <>