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interstage uniform limits test

Emma Anholt requested to merge anholt/piglit:uniforms-interstage into master

From the program's comment

/** @file glsl-uniform-interstage-limits.c
 * Tests that arrays of vec4 uniforms are fully correct in both the VS and the
 * FS.
 * On adreno HW, the const file (which we move uniforms to if we can) is
 * shared between the stages, and you need to allocate between them.  Failure
 * to limit your stages by just a little bit seems to lead to corruption as
 * one shader writes over another's memory, while larger failure leads to GPU
 * hangs.

This detects two issues fixed in mesa!5273 (merged) (UBO 0 needing lowering for maxconstlen and the a6xx per-stage max constlen) and a known one we left unsolved (a6xx interstage max constlen).

@robclark, @krh

Merge request reports