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  • Lina Versace's avatar
    hiz: Fix hiz-depth-test-* to check just depth test and not depth reads · 6930fc79
    Lina Versace authored
    The hiz-depth-test-* tests were not really *unit* tests. They tested both
    depth tests and depth reads.
    Now, they probe only color buffer and not the depth buffer. They should
    not not probe the depth buffer because correct operation of 1) depth
    testing and depth writes (via glDraw*) and of 2) depth buffer reads (via
    glRead*) are independent. It is possible for 1 to work while 2 to fail.
    The tests now cover only case 1.
    The distinction here is not pedantic. On Intel SandyBridge, with hiz only
    partially implemented, case 1 passes and case 2 fails.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarChad Versace <>