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Perfetto integration

Antonio Caggiano requested to merge Fahien/mesa:perfetto into main

Hi, this is an attempt at integrating Perfetto and gfx-pps in Mesa, ready to be reviewed properly.

TODO list:

  • Perfetto SDK is included with a meson wrap.
  • gfx-pps v0.3.0 is added in src/tool/pps as both a library and an executable (a Perfetto producer advertising a "gpu" data-source).
    • pps-config tool useful for querying available devices and counters.
  • Driver specific code used by the data-source can be listed under src/<driver>/ds/pps_driver_<driver>.cc and included by gfx-pps at meson configuration time.
  • Documentation at docs/pps.rst
  • Provide some perfetto .cfg examples for GPU tracing.
Edited by Antonio Caggiano

Merge request reports