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Revert "egl: Add a 565 pbuffer-only EGL config under X11."

Andres Gomez requested to merge tanty/mesa:565-pbuffer-config-revert into master

This reverts commit dacb11a5.

The reason for introducing this change was to fulfill CTS's requirement to be able to run a 565-no-depth-no-stencil config for ES 3.0 on X11.

Unfortunately, enabling this causes other problems. The most relevant one is that, for i965, CTS was passing for GL 4.5 and now it fails while trying to run the "41" configs that have been activated by this change.

While we don't have a proper solution for this "regression", it is better to go back to the previous state.

Bugzilla: Cc: Eric Anholt Cc: Adam Jackson Cc: "19.1" Signed-off-by: Andres Gomez

Merge request reports
