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aco: fix transition_to_{WQM,Exact} if exec.back() is not in exec

Rhys Perry requested to merge pendingchaos/mesa:aco_borderlands3_fix into master

This can happen at merge blocks.

fossil-db (GFX10.3):

Totals from 25229 (17.25% of 146267) affected shaders:
CodeSize: 58575920 -> 58571376 (-0.01%); split: -0.01%, +0.00%
Instrs: 10979245 -> 10978109 (-0.01%); split: -0.01%, +0.00%
SClause: 591817 -> 591816 (-0.00%)
Copies: 604987 -> 603851 (-0.19%); split: -0.19%, +0.00%
Cycles: 96088796 -> 96084252 (-0.00%); split: -0.00%, +0.00%
VMEM: 10470372 -> 10470368 (-0.00%)

Merge request reports
