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aco: improve affinities for register allocation

I'm not entirely happy with having to add an assignment for unassigned variables in the RA ctx. Does someone have a better idea?

v2: Removed the forward affinity idea and only kept the slight improvement by using the kill flag information.

 PERCENTAGE DELTAS                Shaders   VGPRs    CodeSize   Instrs   Latency  InvThroughput  VClause    Copies   Branches 
 assassins_creed_origins          2104        .       -0.00%    -0.00%      .         -0.00%        .       -0.00%    -0.01%  
 battlefront2                     4568        .       -0.00%    -0.00%    -0.00%      -0.00%      -0.00%    -0.05%    -0.02%  
 britannia                        465         .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 control_msaa4x                   752         .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 control_no_msaa                  752         .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 dark_souls_1_remastered          4249        .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 dark_souls_2_sotfs               6876        .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 dark_souls_3                     8912        .       -0.00%    -0.00%    +0.00%      -0.00%      +0.00%    -0.00%    -0.10%  
 death_stranding                  1467      -0.01%    +0.00%    +0.00%    +0.01%      +0.00%        .       +0.01%    +0.01%  
 detroit_become_human             19959       .       -0.00%    -0.00%    -0.00%        .           .       -0.00%      .     
 deus_ex_md                       8063        .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 dirt4                            4030        .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 doom_2016                        2963        .       -0.04%    -0.05%    -0.01%      -0.01%      -0.18%    -0.54%    -0.65%  
 doom_eternal                     1211        .       -0.03%    -0.04%    -0.00%      -0.00%        .       -0.44%    -0.04%  
 dota2                            1015        .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 dow3                             280         .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 evilwithin_demo                  740         .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 f12017                           5503        .       -0.00%    -0.00%    -0.00%      -0.00%        .       -0.01%      .     
 gtav                             2987        .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 hitman                           2785        .       -0.00%    -0.00%    -0.00%      -0.00%        .       -0.04%      .     
 madmax                           948         .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 monster_hunter_world_d3d11       3122        .       -0.01%    -0.01%    -0.02%      -0.03%        .       -0.12%    -0.03%  
 PERCENTAGE DELTAS                Shaders   VGPRs    CodeSize   Instrs   Latency  InvThroughput  VClause    Copies   Branches 
 monster_hunter_world_d3d12       450         .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 nier                             5492        .       -0.00%    -0.00%    -0.00%      -0.00%        .       -0.05%      .     
 parallel-rdp/small_subgroup      246         .       -0.01%    -0.01%    -0.00%      -0.01%        .       -0.09%    -0.06%  
 parallel-rdp/small_uber_subgroup 55          .       -0.01%    -0.02%    -0.00%      -0.00%        .       -0.03%    -0.08%  
 parallel-rdp/subgroup            327         .       -0.01%    -0.01%    -0.00%      -0.01%        .       -0.09%    -0.05%  
 parallel-rdp/uber_subgroup       55          .       -0.02%    -0.02%    -0.00%      -0.00%        .       -0.04%    -0.08%  
 rage2                            6876        .       +0.01%    +0.01%    -0.03%      +0.00%        .       +0.07%    -0.01%  
 rdr2                             3888        .       -0.01%    -0.01%    +0.03%      +0.00%        .       -0.17%    -0.11%  
 redout                           2509        .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 rottr                            8120        .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 sottr_demo                       5705        .       -0.00%    -0.00%    -0.00%        .           .       -0.00%    -0.01%  
 strange_brigade                  1417        .       -0.00%    -0.00%    -0.00%        .           .       -0.00%      .     
 talos                            794         .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 thewitness                       3150        .         .         .         .           .           .         .         .     
 threekingdoms                    844         .       -0.00%    -0.00%    -0.00%      -0.00%        .       -0.03%    -0.03%  
 tomb_raider                      16230       .       -0.00%    -0.01%    -0.00%      -0.00%        .       -0.00%      .     
 warhammer2                       1803        .         .         .       -0.00%        .           .         .         .     
 wolfenstein2_fp16                1012        .       -0.09%    -0.12%    +0.00%      -0.03%      +0.12%    -1.16%    -1.56%  
 worldofwarships                  5590        .       -0.00%    -0.00%    -0.00%      -0.00%        .       -0.02%      .     
 youngblood                       843         .       -0.02%    -0.03%    +0.01%      -0.01%        .       -0.48%    -0.23%  
 youngblood_fp16                  682         .       -0.01%    -0.01%    -0.00%      -0.01%        .       -0.21%    -0.05%  
 All affected                     1123      -0.01%    -0.09%    -0.14%    -0.02%      -0.01%      -0.08%    -1.63%    -1.26%  
 Total                            149839    -0.00%    -0.00%    -0.00%    -0.00%      -0.00%      -0.00%    -0.05%    -0.05%  
Edited by Daniel Schürmann

Merge request reports
