aco: create v_mad_u32_u24
fossil-db (Navi):
Totals from 849 (0.61% of 138791) affected shaders:
SGPRs: 38528 -> 38544 (+0.04%)
VGPRs: 39860 -> 39856 (-0.01%)
CodeSize: 2701880 -> 2702016 (+0.01%)
MaxWaves: 9148 -> 9150 (+0.02%)
Instrs: 509864 -> 509821 (-0.01%); split: -0.01%, +0.00%
Cycles: 3400124 -> 3399628 (-0.01%); split: -0.02%, +0.00%
VMEM: 262757 -> 262672 (-0.03%)
SMEM: 59710 -> 59704 (-0.01%)
Copies: 44461 -> 44466 (+0.01%)
fossil-db (Polaris):
Totals from 1487 (1.06% of 140385) affected shaders:
SGPRs: 54688 -> 55840 (+2.11%)
CodeSize: 2725608 -> 2725720 (+0.00%); split: -0.01%, +0.01%
Instrs: 521394 -> 517710 (-0.71%)
Cycles: 18474108 -> 18410964 (-0.34%)
VMEM: 436992 -> 431028 (-1.36%); split: +0.06%, -1.43%
SMEM: 124503 -> 122564 (-1.56%); split: +0.45%, -2.00%
VClause: 21972 -> 22015 (+0.20%); split: -0.12%, +0.31%
SClause: 14274 -> 14287 (+0.09%)
Copies: 44407 -> 44411 (+0.01%); split: -0.02%, +0.03%
PreSGPRs: 34318 -> 34321 (+0.01%); split: -0.00%, +0.01%
From !5390 (merged).
Edited by Rhys Perry