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aco/ra: Fix counting of subdword variables in get_reg_create_vector

Tony Wasserka requested to merge neobrain/mesa:ra_shadowing_fix into master

The loop variable "k" shadowed another variable in the outer scope, so this loop had no actual effect.

Fixes: 52cc1f82 ("aco: improve p_create_vector RA for sub-dword operands")

 PERCENTAGE DELTAS                Shaders  CodeSize Instrs   Cycles   Copies
 youngblood_fp16                  682      -0.00%   -0.00%   -0.00%   -0.00%
 All affected                     1        -0.08%   -0.05%   -0.07%   -0.57%
 Total                            136546   -0.00%   -0.00%   -0.00%   -0.00%
Edited by Tony Wasserka

Merge request reports
