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spirv,aco: set restrict by default and use SMEM if we know it's safe

Rhys Perry requested to merge pendingchaos/mesa:aco_use_smem_if_no_vmem into master

This MR enables SMEM for 8/16-bit accesses and on GFX6/7 and disables it if we can't prove that it's safe. This requires that SPIR-V -> NIR sets ACCESS_RESTRICT by default so that we handle SpvDecorationAliased correctly.

Some ideas to improve this:

  • use better alias analysis by using deref information, range analysis and comparing offsets
  • consider control flow and ordering
  • take advantage that SMEM and VMEM should be coherent if both are GLC=1

The last two require that we wait when switching between VMEM and SMEM if one operation is a store.

I'm not too certain about the SPIR-V -> NIR changes

Edited by Rhys Perry

Merge request reports