Skip to content Add options for library suffixes

Gurchetan Singh requested to merge gurchetansingh/mesa:library-suffixes into master

When building the Chrome OS Android container, we need to build copies of mesa that don't conflict with the Android system-supplied libraries. This adds options to create suffixed versions of EGL and GLES libraries: -> libEGL${egl-lib-suffix}.so -> libGLESv1_CM${gles-lib-suffix}.so -> libGLES${gles-lib-suffix}.so

This is similar to what happens when --enable-libglvnd is specified, but without the side effects of linking against libglvnd. To avoid unexpected clashes with the suffixed appended by libglvnd, make it an error to specify both --enable-libglvnd and --with-egl-lib-suffix.

Reviewed-by: Eric Engestrom

Merge request reports