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freedreno: Reduce constbuf0 upload overhead (for >120 default uniforms)

Emma Anholt requested to merge anholt/mesa:fd-overhead-cb0 into main

Based on !4967 (merged), this is just the last two commits, with the final commit being the big one:

                                       drawoverhead throughput (n=10 each)
    no statechange:                    no difference
    program statechange                19% +/- 5.17278%
    8 UBOs change                      3.65491% +/- 1.1642%
    uniforms change (1/few uniforms)  -13.1139% +/- 0.973516%
    uniforms change (1/many uniforms)  102.031% +/- 22.8545%

Merge request reports