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nir: improve nir_lower_bit_size

Rhys Perry requested to merge pendingchaos/mesa:nir_lower_bit_size into main

With these changes, the pass should now create much less upcasts.

fossil-db changes (Navi, some uninteresting stats removed):

 PERCENTAGE DELTAS                Shaders    VGPRs      SpillVGPRs MaxWaves   Instrs     Cycles     
 parallel-rdp/small_subgroup      246        -0.62%        .       +0.38%     -13.02%    -7.82%     
 parallel-rdp/small_uber_subgroup 55            .       +10.91%       .       -2.57%     -2.72%     
 parallel-rdp/subgroup            327           .          .          .       -0.01%     -0.24%     
 parallel-rdp/uber_subgroup       55            .          .          .       -0.03%     -0.02%     
 All affected                     218        -0.43%     +5.57%     +0.46%     -7.17%     -1.71%     
 Total                            683        -0.20%     +5.57%     +0.14%     -4.50%     -1.68%        

Based on !5259 (merged)

Edited by Rhys Perry

Merge request reports
