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WIP: virgl: Enable passing arrays as input to fragment shaders

Gert Wollny requested to merge gerddie/mesa:virgl-enable-fs-in-arrays into master

This is needed to properly handle interpolateAt* when the input to be interpolated is passed as array in the original GLSL.

Currently, the the GLSL compiler would lower selecting the correct input so that the interpolant parameter to interpolateAt* is a temporary, and this can not be used to create a valid shader on the host side, because here the parameter must a shader input.

By allowing the passing the created TGSI allows to create proper GLSL. This is related to the virglrenderer bug virgl/virglrenderer#74 (closed)

Signed-off-by: Gert Wollny

This patch is marked as WIP, because it is likely to break the current virgl, it may actually be prudent to add a virgl-caps flag for enabling these CAPS.

Edited by Gert Wollny

Merge request reports