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v3dv: support VK_FORMAT_A1B5G5R5_UNORM_PACK16_KHR

Iago Toral requested to merge itoral/mesa:v3dv_a1b5g5r5_maint5 into main

What does this MR do and why?

v3dv: support VK_FORMAT_A1B5G5R5_UNORM_PACK16_KHR

VK_KHR_maintenance5 adds two new optional formats:

The former we support natively, the latter we don't. We could
try to implement A8 with some effort by mapping it to R8 with
a 000X swizzle but that alone won't be enough, some issues we
would have to solve include:

- Border colors won't work because the texture shader state
swizzle also applies to these, so our 000X swizzle would mess
things up for them and since we don't know the format used with
the sampler in the general case, we would have always have to
create two samplers internally, one adequate for A8 and one for
the rest of formats and choose one or the other at run time.
- We would have to convert the A8 format to a compatible
R8 format but most of the transfer operations. This should be
fairly trivial since we already have infrastructure for this.
- At rendering time we would need to ensure we make our writes
from the alpha channel. This would probably require that we
use the color_fmt from the fs_key to swizzle color writes in
- We would probably also need to special case the format for
color clears, etc

So for now, we don't support it.

Merge request reports