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ci: run_n_monitor, collect and summarize

The information about the job duration is printed close to the lines when the test is progressing, but it is also useful to have this information at the end of a stress test with all the job durations.

One have the information about the job duration in the output of the script when it is in progress.

test in progress

Specially the last group printed gives you this information, but when you are running an stress test, the information is lost in the scroll.

This proposal is to have, at the very end of the stress test, a summary about what happened with the jobs during the complete test.

test summary

This merge request may have relation with !29432 (merged). It is not dependant, but the loop to collect information of previously ran jobs, needs also to have a line with execution_times[][] = (job_duration(job), job.status).

Edited by Sergi Blanch Torné

Merge request reports