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tu: Support bufferDeviceAddressCaptureReplay on kgsl

Connor Abbott requested to merge cwabbott0/mesa:tu-kgsl-bda-capture into main

What does this MR do and why?

tu: Support bufferDeviceAddressCaptureReplay on kgsl

We use the method used by the blob, which sets the USE_CPU_MAP flag,
originally intended for SVM, to allocate from a separate address range
and to control the address by passing a preferred address to mmap().
This flag has been around since at least 2014 when a hack for it was
added to libwrap, so it should be safe to always enable it.

With this we can capture and replay gfxreconstruct traces on kgsl for
apps that use BDA, and we can replay them on msm with a small hack to
increase the address space size:

echo 274877906944 > /sys/module/msm/parameters/address_space_size

Merge request reports