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tu/a750: Disable HW binning when there is GS

What does this MR do and why?

Blob doesn't use hw binning with GS on all a6xx and a7xx, however in Turnip it worked without issues until a750. On a750 there are CTS failures when e.g. executing dEQP-VK.subgroups.arithmetic.framebuffer.* in parallel with "forcebin". It is exacerbated by using "syncdraw".

In !29026 (merged) there is a flake list ( with many gmem flakes, I think most of them, at least the wildcard ones, should be resolved by this change.

I don't know the exact cause of the issue with hwbinning + GS, but by dumping draw/prim streams I see that in failure case there are only zeroes in prim stream and a different from passing case value for draw stream.

Merge request reports