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nir: implement loop invariant code motion (LICM) pass

Daniel Schürmann requested to merge daniel-schuermann/mesa:nir_licm into main

Draft for now since checking for nir_intrinsic_can_reorder is not sufficient and we first need to make use of ACCESS_CAN_SPECULATE.

nir: implement loop invariant code motion (LICM) pass

This simple LICM pass hoists all loop-invariant instructions
from the loops' top-level control flow, skipping any nested CF.
The hoisted instructions are placed right before the loop.

Some GFX11 stats for the LICM pass. To me it looks quite beneficial.

MaxWaves: 2415428 -> 2415370 (-0.00%); split: +0.00%, -0.00%
Instrs: 45343293 -> 45348124 (+0.01%); split: -0.01%, +0.02%
CodeSize: 235969680 -> 236004912 (+0.01%); split: -0.02%, +0.03%
VGPRs: 3093184 -> 3093604 (+0.01%); split: -0.01%, +0.02%
SpillSGPRs: 6739 -> 6266 (-7.02%); split: -14.39%, +7.37%
Latency: 298689752 -> 298154268 (-0.18%); split: -0.19%, +0.01%
InvThroughput: 48648767 -> 48517995 (-0.27%); split: -0.30%, +0.03%
VClause: 883754 -> 883291 (-0.05%); split: -0.07%, +0.01%
SClause: 1389428 -> 1388360 (-0.08%); split: -0.14%, +0.06%
Copies: 2927058 -> 2933079 (+0.21%); split: -0.09%, +0.29%
Branches: 894421 -> 894493 (+0.01%); split: -0.01%, +0.02%
PreSGPRs: 2445461 -> 2452543 (+0.29%); split: -0.02%, +0.31%
PreVGPRs: 2249733 -> 2250004 (+0.01%); split: -0.00%, +0.01%
VALU: 25275220 -> 25277648 (+0.01%); split: -0.00%, +0.01%
SALU: 4381250 -> 4386250 (+0.11%); split: -0.06%, +0.17%
VMEM: 1601083 -> 1601074 (-0.00%)
SMEM: 2469806 -> 2469239 (-0.02%)
VOPD: 8676 -> 8634 (-0.48%); split: +0.13%, -0.61%

Totals from 3028 (3.81% of 79395) affected shaders:
MaxWaves: 67564 -> 67506 (-0.09%); split: +0.03%, -0.12%
Instrs: 10937736 -> 10942567 (+0.04%); split: -0.05%, +0.10%
CodeSize: 56767708 -> 56802940 (+0.06%); split: -0.06%, +0.13%
VGPRs: 230816 -> 231236 (+0.18%); split: -0.09%, +0.27%
SpillSGPRs: 2957 -> 2484 (-16.00%); split: -32.80%, +16.81%
Latency: 126328770 -> 125793286 (-0.42%); split: -0.45%, +0.03%
InvThroughput: 24392034 -> 24261262 (-0.54%); split: -0.60%, +0.06%
VClause: 235601 -> 235138 (-0.20%); split: -0.24%, +0.05%
SClause: 300612 -> 299544 (-0.36%); split: -0.65%, +0.30%
Copies: 797707 -> 803728 (+0.75%); split: -0.32%, +1.08%
Branches: 316302 -> 316374 (+0.02%); split: -0.03%, +0.05%
PreSGPRs: 174184 -> 181266 (+4.07%); split: -0.25%, +4.32%
PreVGPRs: 201312 -> 201583 (+0.13%); split: -0.02%, +0.16%
VALU: 6094304 -> 6096732 (+0.04%); split: -0.02%, +0.06%
SALU: 1177225 -> 1182225 (+0.42%); split: -0.22%, +0.65%
VMEM: 392529 -> 392520 (-0.00%)
SMEM: 412587 -> 412020 (-0.14%)
VOPD: 2501 -> 2459 (-1.68%); split: +0.44%, -2.12%

 PERCENTAGE DELTAS                   Shaders  MaxWaves   Instrs   CodeSize   VGPRs   SpillSGPRs  Latency  InvThroughput  VClause   SClause    Copies   Branches  PreSGPRs  PreVGPRs    VALU      SALU      VMEM      SMEM      VOPD   
 assassins_creed_valhalla            830       +0.03%    -0.11%    -0.17%    -0.13%    -53.73%    -0.39%      -0.76%      +0.09%    -0.53%    +0.15%    +0.04%    +0.18%    -0.02%    -0.19%    +0.31%      .         .       -2.67%  
 control                             4242      -0.01%    -0.00%    -0.03%    +0.05%    +7.58%     -0.13%      -0.07%      +0.01%    -0.08%    +0.05%      .       +0.16%    +0.03%    +0.00%    +0.03%      .         .         .     
 cyberpunk_2077                      2221      -0.00%    -0.03%    +0.08%    +0.01%    +6.41%     -0.00%      +0.20%      -0.01%    +0.39%    -0.18%    +0.01%    +0.79%    +0.02%    +0.03%    -0.24%      .         .         .     
 dead_space                          400         .       -0.01%    -0.03%      .          .       -0.05%      -0.02%        .       -0.02%      .         .       +0.40%      .         .         .         .         .         .     
 deathloop                           1130      +0.03%    -0.01%    -0.02%    -0.05%    +3.17%     -0.33%      -0.41%      -0.02%    +0.17%    +0.19%    +0.00%    +3.82%    -0.00%    +0.02%    +0.13%      .         .         .     
 detroit_become_human                995         .         .         .         .          .         .           .           .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     
 deus_ex_md                          8063        .       -0.00%    +0.00%      .          .       -0.06%      -0.02%        .       -0.02%    -0.00%      .       -0.00%    +0.00%      .       -0.00%      .         .         .     
 doom_eternal                        461         .       +0.01%    +0.04%      .          .       -0.52%      -1.13%      -0.44%    -1.11%    +0.62%    -0.01%    +0.19%    +0.15%    +0.08%    +0.15%      .       -0.46%   -13.64%  
 dota2                               3840        .         .         .         .          .         .           .           .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     
 dow3                                280         .       +0.00%    +0.00%      .          .       -0.00%      -0.06%        .         .       +0.01%      .         .         .         .       +0.01%      .         .         .     
 dredge                              2517        .         .         .         .          .         .           .           .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     
 elden_ring                          3733      -0.02%    +0.03%    +0.03%    +0.20%    +94.12%    -0.21%      -0.15%        .       +0.01%    +0.35%    +0.02%    +0.23%    +0.02%    +0.01%    +0.22%      .         .       -0.24%  
 f1_23                               4006        .       -0.03%    -0.03%      .       -11.11%    -0.42%      -0.28%      +0.01%    +0.24%    -0.07%    +0.02%    +1.40%    +0.00%    +0.00%    -0.16%      .         .         .     
 farcry5                             805         .       +0.02%    -0.01%      .          .       -0.22%      -1.04%        .       -0.49%    +0.07%      .       +0.11%    +0.00%    +0.00%    +0.06%      .         .         .     
 god_of_war                          1029        .       +0.00%    +0.00%    +0.03%       .       -0.45%      -0.28%        .       +0.03%    -0.10%      .       +0.18%    +0.03%    -0.00%    -0.04%      .         .         .     
 gtav                                2955        .         .       -0.00%      .          .       -0.02%      -0.01%        .       -0.01%      .         .       +0.00%      .         .         .         .         .         .     
 heaven_d3d9_strict_float_ultra_4xaa 286         .       +0.00%    +0.01%      .          .       -0.12%      -0.05%        .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     
 hogwarts_legacy                     887         .         .       +0.00%      .          .       -0.02%      -0.02%        .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     
 horizon_zero_dawn                   1800        .       +0.00%    +0.00%      .          .       -0.00%      -0.00%        .         .       +0.00%      .         .         .       +0.00%      .         .         .         .     
 madmax                              922         .         .         .         .          .         .           .           .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     
 metro_exodus                        2627        .       -0.01%    +0.00%      .          .       -0.23%      -0.30%      -0.06%    -0.06%    -0.06%      .       +0.36%      .       -0.00%    -0.05%      .         .       +1.43%  
 PERCENTAGE DELTAS                   Shaders  MaxWaves   Instrs   CodeSize   VGPRs   SpillSGPRs  Latency  InvThroughput  VClause   SClause    Copies   Branches  PreSGPRs  PreVGPRs    VALU      SALU      VMEM      SMEM      VOPD   
 monster_hunter_world                1103        .       -0.00%    -0.01%      .          .       -0.04%      -0.03%        .       +0.05%    +0.01%      .       -0.14%      .       -0.00%    +0.01%      .         .         .     
 nier                                2422        .         .         .         .          .         .           .           .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     
 no_mans_sky                         1978        .       +0.00%    -0.00%      .          .       -0.00%      -0.02%      +0.01%      .       +0.00%      .       -0.01%      .       +0.00%      .         .         .         .     
 parallel_rdp                        539         .         .         .         .          .         .           .           .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     
 persona_5                           1566        .         .         .         .          .         .           .           .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     
 q2rtx                               48          .       +0.03%    +0.06%      .          .       -0.07%      -0.47%        .       -0.07%    +0.04%      .       +0.14%    +0.86%    +0.00%      .         .         .         .     
 rdr2                                3649        .       -0.00%    -0.01%      .       -0.42%     -0.26%      -0.54%        .       -0.16%    -0.03%      .       +0.16%    +0.01%    -0.00%    -0.01%      .         .         .     
 redout                              2485        .       -0.00%    -0.00%      .          .       -0.13%      -0.00%        .       -0.01%      .         .       +0.02%      .         .         .         .         .         .     
 resident_evil_village               1157        .       -0.09%    -0.07%    +0.05%    +2.90%     -0.15%      -0.06%      +0.06%    -1.04%    -1.76%    +0.06%    +0.55%    +0.02%    +0.01%    -0.85%      .       -0.22%      .     
 second_extinction                   437         .       -0.00%    -0.02%      .          .       -0.04%      -0.04%        .       -0.01%      .         .       +0.03%      .         .         .         .         .         .     
 skyrim_dx9                          3305        .       -0.03%    -0.03%    +0.01%       .       -0.18%      -0.41%        .       +0.02%    -0.50%      .       +0.74%    +0.02%    -0.00%    -0.24%      .         .         .     
 sniper_elite_5                      4278        .       +0.12%    +0.09%      .          .       +0.01%      +0.01%        .         .       +1.25%    -0.03%    +0.03%    +0.02%    -0.01%    +0.91%      .         .         .     
 sottr                               542         .         .         .         .          .         .           .           .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     
 spiderman_remastered                648         .       -0.03%    -0.02%      .          .       -0.14%      -0.14%        .       -0.34%    -0.04%      .       -0.56%      .       -0.00%    -0.02%      .         .         .     
 talos_principle                     1999        .       +0.01%    -0.03%      .          .       -0.50%        .           .       +0.08%    +0.01%      .       +0.08%      .         .       +0.02%      .         .         .     
 the_last_of_us_part1                1198      -0.09%    +0.23%    +0.29%    +0.24%    +82.76%    -0.63%      +0.17%      -0.15%    -0.03%    +1.29%    +0.40%    +1.67%    +0.30%    +0.19%    +0.54%    -0.05%    -0.06%    -1.85%  
 thewitness                          3150        .         .         .         .          .         .           .           .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     
 total_warhammer_3                   632         .       -0.00%    -0.00%      .          .       -0.02%      -0.00%        .       -0.08%      .         .       +0.01%      .         .         .         .         .         .     
 war_thunder                         2100        .       -0.01%    +0.02%      .          .       -0.14%      -0.13%      -0.03%    -0.15%    -0.03%      .       +0.10%      .       -0.00%    +0.01%      .         .         .     
 worldofwarships                     2130        .       -0.00%    -0.00%      .          .       -0.02%        .           .       -0.02%      .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     
 All affected                        3028      -0.09%    +0.04%    +0.06%    +0.18%    -16.00%    -0.42%      -0.54%      -0.20%    -0.36%    +0.75%    +0.02%    +4.07%    +0.13%    +0.04%    +0.42%    -0.00%    -0.14%    -1.68%  
 Total                               79395     -0.00%    +0.01%    +0.01%    +0.01%    -7.02%     -0.18%      -0.27%      -0.05%    -0.08%    +0.21%    +0.01%    +0.29%    +0.01%    +0.01%    +0.11%    -0.00%    -0.02%    -0.48%  
Edited by Daniel Schürmann

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