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venus: optimize non-template descriptor set update and push

Yiwei Zhang requested to merge zzyiwei/mesa:vn-set-update-push-opt into main

venus: optimize non-template descriptor set update and push


  • commit 1 avoids internal type remapping upon set allocation. It's mostly to fix the TODO so that internal tracking and usage of descriptor type is purely based on the VN enums
  • commit 2 is to move the async_set_allocation check to the same level, and avoids confusion for the internal free v.s. real free
  • commit 3~4 optimize to skip earlier for reserved (valid type but zero count) and invalid bindings (proxy via zero count)
  • commit 5 is some misc refactors for set alloc/cleanup
  • commit 6 drops a redundant check which ends up with pure overhead mostly
  • commit 7~8 updates non-template set update and push to use STACK_ARRAY


  • related api and binding_model cts

Merge request reports
