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rusticl: work around reference-to-mutable-static warnings

Philipp Zabel requested to merge pH5/mesa:rusticl-static-mut into main

What does this MR do and why?

Fixes a build warning:

warning: creating a mutable reference to mutable static is discouraged
  --> ../src/gallium/frontends/rusticl/core/
76 |     let debug = unsafe { &mut PLATFORM_DBG };
   |                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mutable reference to mutable static
   = note: for more information, see issue #114447 <>
   = note: this will be a hard error in the 2024 edition
   = note: this mutable reference has lifetime `'static`, but if the static gets accessed (read or written) by any other means, or any other reference is created, then any further use of this mutable reference is Undefined Behavior
   = note: `#[warn(static_mut_refs)]` on by default help: use `addr_of_mut!` instead to create a raw pointer
76 |     let debug = unsafe { addr_of_mut!(PLATFORM_DBG) };
   |                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

and others like it, by taking a detour through a raw pointer via the addr_of_mut! or addr_of! macros.

For details, see: where this is suggested to be fine, as long as the mutable reference stops being used before a second reference is created.

Merge request reports