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mesa: force rendertarget usage on required-renderable formats

Mike Blumenkrantz requested to merge zmike/mesa:fmt-renderable into main

What does this MR do and why?

mesa: force rendertarget usage on required-renderable formats

the existing guesswork during format selection for teximage is
accurate most of the time, but it's not accurate all of the time.
GL/ES each have a set of sized formats that are required to be
color renderable, and so any time one of these is allocated as a
texture, it MUST have the rendertarget usage bit attached so that
it can later be bound as a framebuffer attachment

an alternative might be to relax this and then try to do migration
to a different format/buffer later if necessary, but that's hard and
probably not actually as useful

cc: mesa-stable

Merge request reports