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vulkan/runtime: add helper user_data argument to pipeline cache lookup

What does this MR do and why?

vulkan/runtime: add helper user_data argument to pipeline cache lookup 

Implementations like AMD's can apparently synthesize sampler in the
shader. That's not the case on Intel's, instead sampler handles have
to be put into the shaders.

Since handles' values will vary from one replay to the next (even with
the exact same sampler parameters), we must be able to rewrite handles
inside the shader.

The current pipeline interface doesn't allow to access the
pipeline/set layout where sample objects are located when uploading
the shader to video memory.

To workaround this limitation, we introduce a user_data parameters
that lets the driver pass whatever data to do the shader code edition
inside the deserialization vfunc.

Signed-off-by: Lionel Landwerlin <>
Edited by Lionel Landwerlin

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