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RFC: create a test target to verify that intel compiler shader cache hash key is complete

Mark Janes requested to merge majanes/mesa:devinfo_key_test into main

When intel compiler source files reference struct intel_device_info fields, the fields must be included in the shader cache hash key. Developers may not be aware of this requirement, and new references in libintel_compiler.a may result in cache collisions that only occur for multiplatform (eg network-provided) shader caches. The failure case is hard to detect.

This MR:

  • generates an alternative declaration of struct intel_device_info containing only the members used in the hash key
  • creates a dummy test executable from lib_intelcompiler files, made to include the limited struct declaration.
  • fails compilation (when building tests) when compiler files access a devinfo member which is not part of the key.

Other suggested mechanisms to test for the failure case have drawbacks:

  • grep / sed of source files will lack precision/accuracy.
  • clang plugins to flag non-compiler fields and generate warnings pick up include an intricate build-time dependency

Drawbacks to this approach:

  • code generation in struct intel_device_info is already somewhat invasive/overbuilt. This test goes further in the same direction.
  • multiple/different declarations of struct intel_device_info may confuse symbol lookup in editors and be irritating to developers
  • compiling brw_* files twice has a build-time cost (when building tests)
  • the macro use in intel_device_info.h is hacky

I'm looking for feedback:

  • Ideas to make the mechanism less hacky
  • Opinions on the value of testing for this failure case
  • Suggestions for better approaches
  • NAK on worsening the impact within intel_device_info.h

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