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aco/gfx11+: limit hard clauses to 32 instructions

Georg Lehmann requested to merge DadSchoorse/mesa:aco-gfx11-clause32 into main

Foz-DB Navi31:
Totals from 406 (0.52% of 78112) affected shaders:
Instrs: 585342 -> 585750 (+0.07%)
CodeSize: 3077856 -> 3079456 (+0.05%); split: -0.00%, +0.05%
Latency: 3263165 -> 3263326 (+0.00%); split: -0.00%, +0.01%
InvThroughput: 664092 -> 664114 (+0.00%); split: -0.00%, +0.00%
VClause: 11143 -> 11537 (+3.54%)
SClause: 11878 -> 11884 (+0.05%)
Copies: 39807 -> 39815 (+0.02%)

Merge request reports