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ci/deqp: split vk and gl builds

Eric Engestrom requested to merge eric/mesa:ci-split-deqp-gl-vk into main

Split the VK and the GL build of dEQP, and limit how much is built & stored to what we actually use.

Side effect: the test images and the rootfs tarballs are now smaller and take less time to build :)

build: minutes before after
debian/x86_64_test-android 25 15
debian/x86_64_test-gl 35 16
debian/x86_64_test-vk 31 20
kernel+rootfs_arm32 18 11
kernel+rootfs_arm64 14 13
kernel+rootfs_x86_64 59 43
size: MB, compressed (uncompressed) before after
debian/x86_64_test-android 1845 (17192) 1692 (15678)
debian/x86_64_test-gl 712 (2592) 613 (1805)
debian/x86_64_test-vk 1194 (4042) 1098 (3746)
kernel+rootfs_arm32 380 (1741) 337 (1629)
kernel+rootfs_arm64 547 (2469) 502 (2331)
kernel+rootfs_x86_64 973 (3878) 924 (3718)

Merge request reports