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Draft: nvk: Implement VK_EXT_mesh_shader

Mary Guillemard requested to merge marysaka/mesa:nvk-mesh-shader into main

This implement VK_EXT_mesh_shader on NVK.

This is based on the mixin patches from !25668 (closed).

The following things needs more work:

  • Emulation for more than 32 local invocations needs to be rewritten to respect barriers.
  • shared_atomic for xchg/cmpxchg/fcmpxchg needs to be lowered properly. (and probably same story for task_shared)
  • Task shaders need more testing. (there seem to be some issues with the global invocation index for example but I haven't looked much more into that)

Closes #9641

Edited by Mary Guillemard

Merge request reports