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freedreno/ci: move hang-y a630 jobs (vk, gl, piglit) from pre-merge to nightly

Eric Engestrom requested to merge eric/mesa:ci-disable-a630 into main

I'm only moving the jobs that I've personally seen hang many times in the last 24h, but I wouldn't be surprised if all the a630 jobs are broken and the rest of them also need to be moved until someone has time to investigate and move them back.

Examples of hangs:

The timing of it makes me think this might be caused by the kernel upgrade (6.4 -> 6.6) a couple of days ago: !26551 (merged)

Someone interested in moving these jobs back to pre-merge can try to override KERNEL_TAG: "v6.4.12-for-mesa-ci-f6b4ad45f48d" in each of these jobs to see if they stop hanging (please stress-test this, don't just run it a few times by hand!)

Merge request reports