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nak: fix SHFL.UP clamp value

Benjamin Lee requested to merge benjaminl/mesa:nak/fix-shfl-up into main

Found this while I was trying to test my SHFL.UP encoding on SM50 with dEQP-VK.subgroups.shuffle.compute.*. Without advertising vulkan 1.1 and VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_SHUFFLE_BIT the CTS will skip all of these tests, which is probably how this bug was missed on Turing previously. I don't have a Turing card to test with, but with the SM50 changes that I was working on, dEQP-VK.subgroups.shuffle.compute.subgroupshuffleup* failed before this change and succeeded after it.

I looked at ptxas to confirm that the semantics for the c operand are probably not different between SM50 and SM75. shfl.sync.up.b32 ..., 0x1f gets compiled with the same immediate on both.

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