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mesa: Enable NV_texture_barrier in GLES2+

Lucas Stach requested to merge lynxeye/mesa:gles-texture-barrier into main

This re-enables NV_texture_barrier in GL ES2+ contexts. This had previously been tried, but caused CI issues and thus had been reverted.

c7da969f ("mesa: Enable NV_texture_barrier in GLES2+") was buggy, as it added the es2 annotation to the category instead of the function in the XML, which lead to the extension being advertised, but calling glTextureBarrierNV in a GLES context only yielded a GL_INVALID_OPERATION instead of the desired barrier operation.

I've tested this commit on a AMD Raven system with the skia lcdblendmodes testcase, which was the CI test failing in the last attempt, which now works fine.

CC @ajax

Merge request reports