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iris: Handle clear color compatibility in prepare_render

Nanley Chery requested to merge nchery/mesa:fix/mcs-texview-render into main

What does this MR do and why?

Before this MR, if iris_resource_render_aux_usage encountered a render format that was incompatible with the current clear color, it would disable CCS. With this MR, iris now replaces the clear color with zero and keeps compression enabled. This is done for both CCS and MCS.

This is helpful for at least two reasons:

  • The MCS aux usages now avoid the rendering corruption that could occur in this case.
  • I hope to use the render preparation helpers in the eventual fix for #3732 (closed). With this change, we'll maintain the ability to do texture uploads with compression for resources created with an unknown clear color (see ACM systems in small BAR mode).

Merge request reports