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dzn, nir: Enable mediump

Jesse Natalie requested to merge jenatali/mesa:dzn-mediump into main

I've been told that handling RelaxedPrecision SPIR-V annotations (aka mediump) can be a significant perf win, and we should respect it. The best way to respect it would be to map it to the equivalent in DXIL, which is the concept of min-precision, so the D3D driver can then make the right call on what bit-size to use for the data. There's one mismatch though, which is that RelaxedPrecision is specified per-operation, while min-precision is specified for the entire shader.

Oh well. The approach this MR takes is:

  • Allow the backend to differentiate between mediump conversions vs required 16-bit conversions. E.g. (i2imp, i2i32) pairs can be removed, while (i2i16, i2i32) pairs cannot, and must actually result in a different value for out-of-range data.
  • When the DXIL backend sees the only producers of 16-bit data is mediump conversions and ALU ops, it annotates the shader with the min-precision tag. Once there's a concrete conversion or a load/store to externally-visible memory, all 16-bit types now become native 16-bit.
  • Dozen enables mediump for vtn, and only sets the lower-16-bit option when native 16-bit stuff could be getting to the backend. Ideally we'd have a per-shader way of setting this, but there's no feedback from vtn right now on which extensions a shader used, AFAICT, so we just base it on whether the device set it. I think this is actually a no-op right now, since we only claim 16-bit support on drivers were native 16-bit is available, but I wouldn't be surprised if we need a driconf entry to change that in the future...

Merge request reports