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dzn: Fixes and improvements to run DOOM Eternal

Jesse Natalie requested to merge jenatali/mesa:dzn-doom into main

Up until now I've been more or less looking at Dozen as a kind of toy driver - sure it can pass a bunch of the CTS on a software rasterizer, but that doesn't really translate into real-world apps. But DOOM Eternal is kind of the current endgame final boss for Vulkan from my perspective. This builds on !21913 (merged), !21996 (merged), and !21029 (merged) as features that were all added specifically for this app.

On NVIDIA (tested on an RTX 2080) performance is pretty good, but rendering is slightly incorrect, with decals and lights flickering in and out of existence. On AMD (tested on a Radeon RX 6600) everything renders correctly and performance is also pretty good.

For the game to fully work correctly, !22298 is also needed, but I decided to split that out and land it separately, those patches are no longer included here.

Edited by Jesse Natalie

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