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gallium, nir, radeonsi: run driver-specific optimizations in st/mesa before shader caching (v3)

Marek Olšák requested to merge mareko/mesa:lift-nir-opts into master

This increases the efficiency of the shader cache, because shaders are cached by st/mesa after they are optimized by drivers. This is enabled by the new callback pipe_screen::finalize_nir, which is optional and can be NULL.

The shader cache is fixed in !2442 (merged), so now we always get 100% cache hits after the first run.

The tested shaders are from Borderlands 2.

noop driver cache disabled uncached cached cache size
NIR before 38.8 55.0 1.86 16 MB
NIR after 38.8 60.2 1.79 18 MB
TGSI 13.9 17.7 0.65 11 MB
radeonsi cache disabled uncached cached cache size
NIR before 103 135 60 32 MB
NIR after 102 130 2.81 33 MB
TGSI 66 76 1.05 25 MB
Edited by Marek Olšák

Merge request reports
