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ir3: Consider dst type in ubo_vec4 to ldc lowering

Danylo Piliaiev requested to merge Danil/mesa:ir3/fix/16b-vec4_ubo_load into main

The dst type could be either 16b or 32b.

Fixes validation failure in dEQP-VK.subgroups.* tests which deal with 16b types.

 validation fail: (type_size(instr->cat6.type) <= 16) == !!((instr->dsts[0])->flags & IR3_REG_HALF)
   -> for instruction: MESA: info: 0023:0000:000:        ldc.offset0.base0 hssa_23 (wrmask=0x3), ssa_1, ssa_22

Merge request reports