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util: Extend vk_enum_to_str with bitmasks

Illia Abernikhin requested to merge GL/mesa:extend_enum_to_str_helper into main

vk_enum_to_str only generates literals for enums with type: @type="enum", but many enums have type: @type="bitmask" and were not taken into account here.

Main changes: Empty enums are now always skipped For some enums skipped *MAX_ENUM value:

  1. for enum created like VkFlag64 (VkAccessFlagBits2, VkFormatFeatureFlagBits2, VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagBitsNV, VkPipelineStageFlagBits2)
  2. also for VkShaderStageFlagBits because VK_SHADER_STAGE_ALL has same value with VK_SHADER_STAGE_FLAG_BITS_MAX_ENUM

Signed-off-by: Illia Abernikhin

Closes: #8173 (closed)

Merge request reports