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ntt, r300: move negative relative addressing handling to NIR

Pavel Ondračka requested to merge ondracka/mesa:nir_negative_offsets into main

This series moves the handling of negative relative addressing (of uniforms because that is the only relative addressing we currently support) which the r300 hardware can't do to NIR.

Specifically, there is a new flag to nir_opt_offsets that will skip the constant folding if the resulting offset (base) will be negative + a new flag to propagate this flag through ntt.

Unfortunately it looks like r300 will be the only user, I've checked the other old D3D9 class hardware, and nvc0 doesn't seem to care about negative offsets, while for i915 this is also irrelevant as vertex shaders are done in software. I hope this is fine.

CC @gawin for the associated r300 cleanups.

Merge request reports