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wsi, turnip: add some cpu tracepoints

Chia-I Wu requested to merge olv/mesa:tu-tracepoints into main

This is based upon !18260 (merged). There are 3 commits to add MESA_TRACE_* to a few places in wsi and turnip.

The visualization of a vkcube frame looks like this:


  1. at the beginning, vkcube is waiting for the next image
  2. then wsi thread adds an image to acquire queue (in resopnse to XCB_PRESENT_EVENT_IDLE_NOTIFY) and unblocks vkcube
  3. vkcube does a queue submit followed by a queue present
  4. vkcube is blocked waiting for the next image again

The original trace is at!/?s=9bedbe85391acd7a39abd358d1525638d95b5e171f4c2c57d6a43a870978c82. The basic controls use W, S, A, D keys and the mouse.

Merge request reports