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nir: SSBO array length fixes and optimizations.

Georg Lehmann requested to merge DadSchoorse/mesa:nir-array-length into main

Before, if the ssbo is too large this would always return 0. Also, this code is easier to optimize, so the common case of offset 0 and pot stride results in one ushr instead of 5+ instructions.

Foz-DB Navi21:

Totals from 258 (0.19% of 134913) affected shaders:
CodeSize: 2150956 -> 2139276 (-0.54%)
Instrs: 415649 -> 412863 (-0.67%)
Latency: 3222118 -> 3216140 (-0.19%); split: -0.19%, +0.01%
InvThroughput: 518964 -> 518042 (-0.18%); split: -0.19%, +0.01%
SClause: 23375 -> 23259 (-0.50%); split: -0.51%, +0.01%
Copies: 32080 -> 32097 (+0.05%); split: -0.15%, +0.21%
Edited by Georg Lehmann

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